



The Salon

the blog

How to Be an Interesting Woman

How to Be an Interesting Woman by: REVUE EDITORIAL The interesting woman has high standards for her life – for the quality of food she eats, the level of content she consumes, the individuals she maintains relationships with, the clothing that she purchases, the things she chooses to speak out loud. At the core of […]

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It Is Amazing That We Exist

It is amazing how complex life is. How we are all individuals with massively tangled and bright and illuminated worlds within the confines of our skull and the cages of our lungs. It is amazing how, despite pain and struggle and challenges, we all rise each morning, interacting and co-mingling and collaborating. How the pieces […]

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It was difficult for me to admit that I was ambitious, long before motherhood came my way. I remember feeling this little monster inside that itched at my mind constantly. Impatience, I remember calling it. I just wanted a lot of things and I wanted them all right now and I was willing to get […]

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I Feel Far Away From History

I feel far away from history. I feel young and yet the vintage come-backs are those that I grew up in, around, and with. I feel as if the last ten years have taken me captive; placed me into tunnel vision where nothing exists beyond the current state of affairs. I feel as if digital […]

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Fashion Lines That Will Make You Feel Something

I quite literally have a physical reaction to art that strikes me as beautiful. I gasp and my jaw drops, my heart beats faster and sometimes I clutch my fists in little balls into my chest. It hits hard. I felt that way most recently when the May edition of Vogue landed on my coffee […]

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Nostalgia: The Most Powerful Daydream

It is a desperate feeling; one that is deep like a well and tender like a bruise. It is the way we time travel and it is the way we do not accept the present – escaping it, rebelling it, retracting into it. It is the romanticization of a lost past that is currently brutally […]

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in pursuit of the aspirational

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